
Dear Member Federations,

We hope this email finds you well.

On behalf of the IWF, we would like to inform you that we will no longer be accepting manual whereabouts submissions via Excel, Word or any other format.

Moving forward, if your athletes are unable to submit their whereabouts in ADAMS, please make sure they are using the following Microsoft Form: https://forms.office.com/e/KjYBLkf5xi

Please note that the aforementioned form is to be used in last-minute and exceptional circumstances only when an athlete is unable to access ADAMS for whatever reason.

We kindly invite you to always reach out to the ITA at iwf@ita.sport in advance if you or your athletes are experiencing issues with ADAMS and we will make sure to assist you as quickly as possible.

We also invite you to refer to ADAMS video tutorials and the Athlete FAQ available on our website.

Thank you for your attention and collaboration.

Best regards,




IWF不再接受透過 Excel、Word 或任何其他格式手動提交行踪。

如果您的運動員無法在 ADAMS 中提交他們的行踪,請務必使用以下 Microsoft 表格:https://forms.office.com/e/KjYBLkf5xi


如果您或您的運動員在使用 ADAMS 時遇到問題,請您務必盡早透過 iwf@ita.sport 聯繫 ITA,我們將盡快為您提供協助。

並請您參考我們網站上提供的 ADAMS 教學影片和運動員常見問題解答。
