2023年 IWF Anti-Doping Rules 修正版於2023年1月1日生效


IWF Member FederationsPresident / General Secretary

Dear President/General Secretary,
We hope this letter finds you well.
This is to provide you with a summary of the amendments to the 2023 IWF Anti-Doping Rules.
The amended version of the IWF Anti-Doping Rules entered into force on 1st January 2023.

Kindly find the document hereBelow you may find a short summary of the most significant changes for your convenience.



  • The IWF and its Delegated Third Parties, including the ITA, are now granted the power to gather intelligence and conduct investigations and make Demands to Athletes, other Persons or Member Federations to provide ITA/IWF with any information, record, article or thing in their possession or control that ITA/IWF reasonably believes may evidence or lead to the discovery of evidence of an anti-doping rule violation or other breach of these Anti-Doping Rules. (Art. 5.8). This includes the power to ask Athletes or other Persons to hand over devices such as mobile phones, laptops, hard drives, tablets, mobile storage devices, etc., or provide access to documents such as telephone bills, bank statements, notes, files, correspondence, emails, messages, servers, etc.
  • For Demands made pursuant to Article 5.8.4 exclusively, the Athlete or other Person can file an objection within 7 days and the execution of the Demand is suspended until a decision of the Demand Review Board (Arts. 5.8.5, 5.8.6)
  • The same Objection system is introduced for Demands to Member Federations: possibility to object to regular Demands (Art. 18.5.3), immediate execution for time-bound Demands (Art. 18.5.4)
  • For time-bound Demands, the Athlete or other Person has to comply immediately with the Demand and ITA/IWF may (but is not obliged to) obtain an pre-approval from the Demand Review Board (Art. 5.8.9)
  • A failure to comply with a Demand constitutes a Failure to Cooperate, carrying sanctions such as suspension from the sport up to 6 years, disqualification of results, including forfeiture of titles, awards, medals, points and prize money (Art. 5.8.12)
  • All Athletes included in the IWF Registered Testing Pool shall, within four (4) months from the notification of their inclusion, successfully complete an antidoping Education course designated by the IWF or equivalent class provided by their National Anti-Doping Organization and register such completion. (Art. 17.2.1)
  • Should two (2) or more violations of these Anti-Doping Rules sanctioned by the IWF or Anti-Doping Organizations other than the Member Federation or its National Anti-Doping Organization have been committed by Athletes or other Persons affiliated to the Member Federation within a 12-month period, without prejudice to any other sanction that may be imposed against the Member Federation in accordance with these Anti-Doping Rules, the Member Federation shall have the obligation to put in place an anti-doping Education program designed or approved by the ITA/IWF. (Art. 17.3.2)
  • The Member Federations shall submit to the IWF the list of Athletes set to participate in IWF Events, including the following whereabouts information: (a) home address and (b) training location received from each Athlete. Such whereabouts information shall be provided by the Member Federations to the IWF no later than three months prior to each IWF Event (Art. 5.5.16). The new deadline is now three months for ALL IWF Events.
  • Athletes who are registered to participate in IWF Events are already considered as International-Level Athletes during the three-month period prior to the IWF Event in question. The Member Federations shall transmit the list(s) of Athletes entered to compete in IWF Events in accordance with Article 5.5.16 of these Anti-Doping Rules.
  • The IWF may require the Member Federations to provide annual financial contributions to support the implementation of the IWF anti-doping program. Any such requirement shall be defined in the IWF Costing Guidelines. Any eventual future decision on this will be communicated in due course to the Member Federations.

We wish to highlight once again that the above is solely a summary of the most important changes. Please study the document carefully.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

For questions related to ADAMS please direct communications to iwf@ita.sport.

Yours sincerely,
IWF Anti-Doping Team

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