修訂的 IWF ADP 條款于2019年6月30日生效

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Dear President/General Secretary,

This is to provide you with a summary of the amendments related to he IWF Anti-Doping Policy (IWF ADP).

The amended IWFADP Articles enters into force with 30 June 2019. You may find the document attached.

Below you may find a summary of themost significant changes for your convenience.


Article 16

As it was previously introduced Article 16 was part of the criteria imposed by the ‘Tbilisi Decisions’ that the suspended Member Federations shall ensure the Doping Control Officers’ entry into the respective country without providing advance notice and that samples collected by the IWF in the country could be delivered to the Laboratory chosen by the IWF without substantial delay due to customs procedures. As these provisions have appeared to be efficient, the Clean Sport Commission considered that the introduction of a similar rule applicable to all IWF Member Federations would provide the IWF with a useful tool in its fight against doping.

This approved provision requires the IWF Member Federations to do everything within the scope of their powers to ensure that the IWF is able to conduct out-of-competition testing in the country in question without the assistance or knowledge of the respective Member Federation.

Article 19

Article 19 is an amendment related to Anti-Doping Education. As accepted by the IWF Executive Board in Colorado Springs in 2018, the IWF introduced an online education platform which has been already tested two times at the 2018 IWF World Championships in Ashgabat and at the 2019 IWF Youth World Championships in Las Vegas. All Athletes who competed at the Events were strongly encouraged to complete the iLiftClean Online Education Platform. The number of participants showed a great endeavour of Athletes and Member Federations. After this test period in the future in order to ensure that the e-learning program is followed by as many Athletes as possible and to use this tool as a means to involve Athletes more in the fight against doping, Athletes would be required to fill the test that is available on the platform on an obligatory basis in case they wish to compete at IWF World Championships (i.e. Youth, Junior and Senior). One part of the modifications to Article 19 creates the legal basis for this (see 19.2.3).

According to this approved proposal, a Member Federation whose Athletes repeatedly fail to meet such requirements shall be sanctioned by the Independent Member Federations Sanctions Panel.

The above mentioned provisions have been already approved by the IWF EB on 12 June 2018.

We wish to highlight once again that the above mentioned is solely a summary of the most important changes which will come into effect on 30 June 2019.

Please study the attached document carefully.Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Yours sincerely,

IWF Secretariat

International Weightlifting Federation

Istvanmezei ut 1-3.

1146 Budapest – HUNGARY

Phone:+36 13530530

Fax:+36 13530199

